The Thomas J. Watson Fellowship

Pitzer学院是全美47所文理学院之一. 沃森基金会作为合作伙伴加入沃森奖学金计划.

Important Information

Watson Writing Workshop: Sunday, August 27, 2023, 11:30 am – 5 pm PT

Pitzer deadline: September 22, 2023, 4 pm PT

Watson deadline: November 8, 2023, 9 am PT

Finalists’ on-campus interviews: October 2023

Nominees interviewed on-campus by member of the T.J. Watson遴选委员会(前Watson Fellow): between November 2023 and March 2024

The Watson Fellowship provides a grant of $40,鼓励有前途的年轻人在毕业后的一年中自主学习和旅行.

在这里你可以找到值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台沃森奖学金的一般信息, information about the selection process at Pitzer, and details on the Pitzer internal application. Please also visit the Foundation’s Watson Fellowship 网站上的官方描述的程序和它的起源, 讨论计划的目的和研究员的期望, commonly-asked questions, a list of current Fellows and their projects, and more.

About the Watson Fellowship

The Thomas J. Watson Foundation 1968年开始沃森奖学金项目,为杰出的年轻人提供一年的自由,专注和有纪律的独立学习和出国旅行.

The year is devised and designed by you, the applicant, and is a chance to explore a particular interest, test your aspirations and abilities, 从其他角度看待自己的生活和文化, 并进一步发展一种全球相互联系的意识,以及在不同社区有效参与的可能性.

The Watson Fellowship provides a stipend, currently of $40,000, 支付你一年的项目费用. (如果您在项目年度有配偶或受抚养子女陪同, or need Personal Assistance Services, there is a supplemental stipend.)沃森基金会网站上有更多的信息, 包括一个介绍视频和最近的信息网络研讨会, at

所有即将毕业的高年级学生都有资格申请. Since the project is to be of a year’s duration, 这是至关重要的,它涉及一个领域表现出关心和个人兴趣的你.


该年度的正式要求是一名奖学金生勤奋地从事该计划, stay in contact with the Foundation, 并提交季度进度报告和资金决算报告.

一个老生常谈的问题是“成功的公式是什么?”?” The short answer is “there is no formula.” However, your project does have to be feasible, 一定要涉及到你花一年时间去追求的东西吗, 并且必须带你去未知的地方和体验. 该基金会确实寻求“表现出正直的个人”, strong ethical character, intelligence, the capacity for vision and leadership, 以及人道和有效地参与国际社会的潜力.”

学生们经常会问,是否对某些类型的项目有偏好,或者某个特定的话题是否因为在政治上或社会上有争议而被禁止. The short answer to both questions is “no.“浏览一下《值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台》,你会看到各种各样的项目.

There is no restriction on the topic of your project; however, there are restrictions on where you may pursue it. 基金会希望你们成功地完成这一年, 并希望你在考虑去哪里旅行时仔细权衡安全问题. 请看国务院的旅行警告列表. In addition, 该项目“必须涉及到学生以前没有生活或学习过很长时间的地区.”

学生们还会问,一个项目是否必须是以前没有人提出过的. Again, the short answer is “no.“这个项目对你来说是全新的,而这一年的意义就在于你去做它.

最后,一个经常被忽视的好处是 “the Fellowship Program will supply, as a supplement to the stipend, 等于12个月未偿款项的数额, 联邦担保和机构学生贷款. 贷款计划的目的是减轻沃森研究员在奖学金年度的经济负担, and to provide encouragement for all students, regardless of student loan debt, to apply for Watson Fellowships.”

Selection Process

The process for selection has two parts. First, Pitzer invites applications, screens them, conducts interviews, and nominates three candidates to the Foundation. 这些被提名者每人提交一份申请书,必须在11月截止日期前由基金会收到. 被提名者将在11月初至2月底的某个时间接受基金会代表的面试, and results are announced about mid-March.

Starting the Application

The Watson Fellowship uses an online application. 每位希望申请的学生都将收到预提名申请的邀请. 要开始这个过程,请给Pitzer的沃森联络人Carina Johnson发电子邮件 [email protected]  with your preferred name and email address. 然后,您将收到预提名申请的邀请.

网上申请非常详细,秋天的时间很短. For the first stage of the application, 只需要填写网上提名前申请的部分内容. Those portions are:

  • 个人资料:值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台、永久住址、公民身份、人口统计数据、特殊情况
  • Activities, Awards, Employment, Education
  • Project Proposal: Title, List of Countries, 论文[1500字]项目建议书涉及你在沃森学年的内容, what you propose to do, where, how, how long, etc.
  • 个人陈述[1500字],个人陈述说明为什么这对你很重要
  • 非官方文字记录[来自Pitzer的MyCampus2 Portal]
  • 还需要两封推荐信(至少一封必须来自匹策学院的教职员工). 请在秋季学期尽快将推荐人的姓名输入预提名申请表,以便他们有足够的时间完成推荐表格.

For more information contact
Professor Carina Johnson
Bernard Hall 211
Pitzer College
1050 North Mills Ave
Claremont, CA 91711-6101
Phone: 909-607-3696
Email: [email protected]